Affiliate Disclaimer
Last updated: January 21, 2024 (the “Site”, “us”, “our”, “we”) may display affiliate links within the Site’s pages and content. If you click on any of the affiliated links and decide to buy or download a product through it, the Site may get a small commission from the vendor or e-commerce platform at no additional cost to you. The amount earned from your eligible purchases helps us pay for the server maintenance costs, editorial team, and management of the Site.
The Site is part of the Amazon Associates Program which it uses to promote products and services from the Amazon platform. The Site also utilizes Skimlinks services as its affiliate management partner.
Moreover, these arrangements do not affect the Site’s editorial autonomy and credibility. We will always strive to provide unbiased, honest reviews and proven how-to guides and articles for our readers.
The Site may also publish paid-for editorial content or advertorials and sponsored content from third-party companies. These types of content are properly labeled and marked as sponsored or promoted whenever for the reader’s reference.
This disclosure policy is in compliance with the terms and conditions set by the Federal Trade Commission in the US and the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) with the Committee of Advertising Practice (CAP) in the UK.
Should you have any concerns and questions regarding the content of this affiliate disclaimer, you may contact us at [email protected].