Binge Gauge ( aims to be your ultimate reliable resource of streaming news, how-tos, fixes, and reviews. We cover the latest buzz in the world of streaming including the latest news from popular platforms like Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, Prime Video, Paramount+, HBO Max, Peacock, Discovery+, Apple TV+, and Roku. We also release a series of regular round-ups on new movies and TV shows.
Primarily, we aim to focus on putting out how-to and troubleshooting guides to fix common issues related to your streaming media players and devices, streaming service providers, and allied services.
As much as we want to keep the information in our content accurate to the highest standard, some events might lead to data integrity issues. In such cases, we intend to update all necessary details as quickly as humanly possible.
If you have any suggestions on how to make our content and coverage better, feel free to contact us here.