LG offers an innovative way to take control of your home appliances including smart TVs and manage them to efficiency. Using the ThinQ app, you will be able to check on the status of your appliances and get ahead of things. You can also take advantage of smart mechanisms to make your life simpler and more convenient.
Unfortunately, there are underlying issues when it comes to LG ThinQ app. Among these problems some users cannot login to their LG account on the app itself. Such a case will limit users in terms of access to their own appliances and using the app specifically to their devices.
Why Can’t I Sign In to my Account on LG ThinQ App

There may be various reasons for the app’s inability to log you into your account. Connectivity issues are common factors for these instances. There are also problems with LG server hence the issues on the app. In addition, the LG ThinQ app itself may experience internal problems.
So, How to Fix Unable to Login to your Account on LG Smart TV Through the LG ThinQ App

The first thing you can do is to relaunch the app. This will refresh app processes that may be causing the hindrance. A better way is to reboot your device.
Another way is to clear the app cache. Too much cache can cause sign in errors. Best to delete the cache by going to the app settings and clearing the cache and data.
Now, if connectivity is the possible issue, you may want to power cycle your router. Do a speed test to verify if there are problems with your connection. Also, you can check if there is down time with LG’s server as this can prevent you from going further on the app. If this is the case, all you have to do is wait for LG to resolve the problem by themselves.
For some users, they may have failed to install important updates for their ThinQ app. Try to update the app to its latest software version. If this does not work, reinstalling the app will give you a fresh start.
In Closing
Working on to resolve issues on your LG ThinQ app can lead to trial and error but it will work out in the end. IF none of these tips above work for you, try to contact LG customer support.