Not all the time do we want to see Samsung Smart Hub or Tizen when we turn on our Samsung TV. Most of the time, we want to automatically go to the recently used app. However, Smart Hub or the Tizen app menu automatically appears after startup by default.
Fortunately, there is a way you can disable it from running after turning on your Samsung smart TV device if you prefer not to see it. Doing so will prevent you from adding more steps to close the menu before you can access your preferred app. Let’s check it out!
Steps to Turn Off or Remove Samsung Smart Hub or Tizen from Running Automatically Upon TV Startup
First, press the Home button on your Samsung TV remote and head over to the Settings menu. Go to General and select Smart Features or Start Screen Options. Look for Autorun Smart Hub or Start with Smart Hub Home option and turn it off. Restart your Samsung smart TV.
Now that you have disabled the Smart Hub autorun on your Samsung TV, you can also automatically launch the most recently used app. To do so, go to the Settings menu and head over to General.Select again Smart Features. Look for the Autorun Last App option and turn it on.
Wrapping Up
Having the option to disable or enable the autorun of the Tizen app menu will give you more flexibility on how you want to see your Samsung smart TV screen after turning it on.