How to Fix HBO Max App Error Code 009, 905 or 007 Issue

HBO continues to be a household name through the years, and to keep up with the modern and ever-changing times, the company even joined the online streaming industry through HBO Max. With the declining viewership of cable TV, this move helped HBO stay afloat in the market.

But despite all the great content that HBO Max is rolling it, it is unfortunately prone to some errors and bugs now and then. Error codes 009, 905, or 007 are some common HBO Max issues that users often complain about.

Image credit by HBO Max

How to Troubleshoot Error Code 009, 905 or 007 on HBO Max App

If you are prompted by these error codes, the first and most important thing you can do is restart the specific device where you are streaming HBO Max. But if this doesn’t fix the issue, below are the steps you can take to address the problem. 

Check your Internet Network or Mobile Data for Connection Issues

Poor internet connection is one of the most common causes of these error codes in HBO Max.

  • Be sure to check if your internet latency and speed are good and reliable enough.
  • If both are not enough, you can restart your mobile internet or router.
  • You can also use your device’s Airplane mode to disconnect and connect to the internet again to help refresh your connection.

Reinstall the HBO Max App or Clear its Cache

The cache of your HBO Max app is a common cause of issues, especially if there are no updates for a while or the latest feature clashes with the cache. If you can’t clear the app cache, you can uninstall and install the app again.

Disable Proxy or VPN Server if You are Using One

Photo credit by Petter Lagson from Unsplash

Error codes may also occur if you try to access HBO Max with a VPN or proxy. Try to disable VPN first and try to reconnect.

These errors may show up as well if you’re streaming the app from outside the regions where it is available right now, including the US and some of its territories, the Caribbean, Europe, and some Latin American countries.

If the app is available in your country, you can try to disable the proxy or VPN connection. But if you’re streaming from a different country, see to it that your VPN uses a server in a country where the app is available.

You can also try switching to other VPN servers. Check out the list below for free VPN services you can use.

Confirm the Status of HBO Max Servers

Many people often panic every time they see error codes they often forget that it might have something to do with the servers. Be sure to check first if the HBO Max servers are down or not.

To do so, all you have to do is the following steps.

  • Visit their social handles.
  • Check for relevant Twitter trends.
  • Use third-party server detectors to see if others also have the same problem and if it is a widespread outage or if you are the only one experiencing it.

If the servers of HBO Max are down, you won’t be able to do anything about it but wait for them to fix the problem.

Update your HBO Max App Software Version

Image credit by HBO Max

If there are no disruptions with the HBO Max service, check if there is an available update for the app and install it right away. Most app updates can fix bugs and resolve error codes 009, 905, or 007.

HBO Max continues to keep up with the changing times and consumer demands. Once you encounter any of the error codes 009, 905, or 007, do the fixes above and solve the problem right away.

Aileen Grace M
Aileen Grace M
A film buff and lover of feel-good movies, Aileen Grace loves helping fellow cinephiles overcome troubles and common hurdles when bingeing shows. She’s a Marketing Major with a degree in Business Administration and a knack for writing poems and short stories. She’s using her prowess as a prolific writer to provide straightforward guides among the confusing solutions found online.



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