If you love watching exclusive TV shows on your Apple device, Apple TV+ gives you some of the best titles. Though it may not have more content compared to other streaming services like Netflix and Disney Plus, Apple TV+ offers excellent TV series and movies that will make you want to binge-watch all weekend.
Unfortunately, not everyone can stay on Apple TV Plus. For some reason, you may find yourself needing to cancel your subscription account or free trial plan. You may want to explore other streaming services or need to let go of another monthly membership fee. Whatever is your reason for canceling the Apple TV+ account, you can easily do so.
Let’s walk you right through the fast and easy cancellation process in different Apple devices using this guide.
Ways to Cancel your Apple TV Plus Subscription Account or Free Trial Plan
Subscribing to Apple TV+ gives you a seven-day free trial or three free months subscription on some Apple hardware purchases. After the trial period, the monthly fee is only $4.99. Apple allows you to easily cancel your membership plan before your free trial ends.
Canceling Apple TV Plus Subscription using your iPhone or iPad Device
- Launch the Settings menu of your iPhone or iPad.
- Select your name. Make sure it is the same Apple ID you use on your Apple TV+.
- Go to Subscriptions or Manage Subscriptions.
- Select Apple TV+.
- Tap Cancel, Cancel Subscription, or Cancel Free Trial.
- Select Confirm to confirm your cancellation.
Canceling your Apple TV+ Subscription via Apple TV
- Go to the home screen of your Apple TV streaming device.
- Navigate to Settings.
- Choose Users and Accounts.
- Select your name.
- Go to Subscriptions.
- Choose Apple TV+ – Channel.
- Select Cancel Subscription.
- Choose Confirm.
Canceling your Apple TV+ Subscription through a Mac Computer
- On your MacBook laptop or iMac computer, open the Apple TV app.
- Select Account.
- Click View My Account.
- Sign in your Apple ID. Make sure it is the same ID you used to sign up on Apple TV+.
- Go to Settings.
- Select Subscriptions.
- Click Manage.
- Look for Apple TV+ and select Edit.
- Select Cancel or Cancel Free Trial.
- Click Confirm.
Canceling your Apple TV+ Subscription via Web Browser
- Launch any web browser and go to tv.apple.com.
- Click the Sign-in button at the top right corner.
- Log in to the Apple ID that you used on your Apple TV+.
- Go to the top right corner and click your profile icon.
- Select Settings.
- Go to Subscriptions.
- Look for Apple TV+ and click Manage.
- Click Cancel Subscription.
What is the reason that leads you to decide on an Apple TV+ subscription account cancellation? We value your opinion, so please write to us below.