How to Fix Disney Plus Error Code 83, 76, 14, 41 or 43

Seeing an error code when you try to stream a movie or TV series on Disney Plus can be frustrating. But, there are always solutions to fix these issues. Some common examples of Disney+ error codes are 83, 76, 14, 41 or 43.

Disney Plus Error Code 83


When you see the Disney Plus error code 83, it means that there is an unknown error in your device like issues with your account, connection, or device compatibility. You will see the message,

Something went wrong. Please try again. If the problem persists, visit the Disney+ Help Centre (Error Code 83).”

Disney Plus Error Code 76


The Disney Plus error code 76 refers to an issue with your Internet connection speed. It triggers the message,

We’re currently experiencing slow Internet connection speeds. Please check to see that you are still connected to the Internet, and try again (Error Code 76).”

Disney Plus Error Code 14

If upon login you entered the wrong email address or password, you will see the Disney Plus streaming error code 14. It shows the message,

Sorry, we could not find your email (or password) in our system. Please re-enter your email and try again. If the problem persists, visit the Disney+ Help Center (Error Code 14).”

Disney Plus Error Code 41


For Disney+ playback error code 41, some contents cannot be watched at the moment. It may be an issue with the Disney Plus internal system or the availability of the rights of the title. You will see the message,

We’re sorry, but we cannot play the video you requested. Please try again. If the problem persists, visit the Disney+ Help Centre (Error Code 41).”

Disney Plus Error Code 43

Similar to error code 41, the Disney Plus playback error code 43 appears if there is a problem with the title you are trying to stream. It will trigger the error message,

We’re sorry, but we cannot play the video you requested. Please try again. If the problem persists, visit the Disney+ Help Centre (Error Code 43).”

How to Fix Disney+ Not Working with Streaming Error Codes 83, 76, 14, 41 & 43

Some solutions will help you troubleshoot and resolve these network and playback problems most users experience on Disney+. Check out each method below and follow the steps one at a time.

Power Cycle your Network Router and Streaming Device

Power Cycle Your Router and Streaming Device
Credit: gpointstudio/Freepik

Turn off the device you are using to stream Disney Plus. Unplug your router and modem and wait for at least 1 minute before plugging them back in. Turn on your device and relaunch Disney+. Lastly, check if the error is still there.

Check if your Device is Compatible with Disney Plus

Make sure that the device you are using is compatible or supported by Disney Plus. Otherwise, it will only trigger errors and not let your stream your shows.

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  • Web Browsers
    • Safari 11+ on MacOS 10.12 and up
    • Chrome 75+ on MacOS 10.10 and up and Windows 7 and up
    • Firefox 68+ on MacOS 10.9 and up and Windows 7 and up
    • Microsoft Edge on Windows 10 and up
    • Internet Explorer 11 on Windows 8.1 and up
  • Android Device – OS 5.0 (Lollipop) and up
  • Apple iPhone/iPod/iPad – iOS/iPadOS 12.0 and up
  • Android TV – OS version 5.0 (Lollipop) and up, Android TV-enabled Smart TVs, and NVIDIA SHIELD TV, and Mi Box
  • LG Smart TVs – 2016 and up with WebOS 3.0 and up
  • Samsung Smart TVs – 2016 and up with HD video support and Tizen operating system
  • Apple TV Apple TV HD (4th gen and up) and Apple TV 4K with tvOS 11.0 and up
  • PlayStation

Reset Your Password (For Disney Plus Error Code 14)

Screenshot: Binge Gauge

First, go to and go to the Login Page. Type your email address and then click Continue. Click “Forgot Password?” and go to your email and check the message from Disney+. You will need to retrieve a 6-digit passcode within 15 minutes. Now, enter the code to reset your password and then, type your new password. Click Continue.

Method #4 – Contact Disney Plus Customer Service

If you have problems with your account, you may call Disney+ Customer Service. You can also inquire about the content availability of the title you want to stream.

Method #5 – Reinstall the Disney Plus App

If none of the above methods work, you may want to reinstall the Disney+ app. Uninstall the app first on the device you are using to stream movies and shows and then reinstall it.

What Disney Plus error code are you experiencing right now? Which of the methods above helped you fix the problem? You can let us know in the comments below so other users may also learn from your experience.

Read More About:
Aileen Grace M
Aileen Grace M
A film buff and lover of feel-good movies, Aileen Grace loves helping fellow cinephiles overcome troubles and common hurdles when bingeing shows. She’s a Marketing Major with a degree in Business Administration and a knack for writing poems and short stories. She’s using her prowess as a prolific writer to provide straightforward guides among the confusing solutions found online.



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